J135 - Slāpes māca par ūdeni - Emīlija Dikinsone

Autors: Linda Vītuma

 Emília Rovira · Water Is Taught By Thirst (first demo)


Slāpes māca par ūdeni.

Šķērsoti Okeāni — par zemi.

Savaldību — dusmas māca — 

Mieru — cīņas, par kurām tas stāsta — 

Mīlestību, Atmiņu Plāksnes — 

Putnus, Sniegs mums māca.

J135, 1859


Water, is taught by thirst.

Land — by the Oceans passed.

Transport — by throe —

Peace — by it's battles told —

Love, by Memorial Mold* —

Birds, by the Snow.

J135, 1859


* No Emīlijas Dikinsones vēstules Tomasam Higinsonam: "Death might occur, and he has Molds of all the rest- but has no Mold of me" (L268)
